Sunday, March 6, 2011

Don't mess with my zodiac!

I've been interested in astrology ever since I began reading descriptions of my sun sign, Gemini. I felt that most of them described me to a 't'. Consistently, from source to source, they knew me all too well. Naturally, not everyone will have this experience. I really approached it objectively, I never "wanted to believe that it was true," I just felt that it was right on target over and over.

I never put too much stock in astrology, probably because of the stigma against it (daily horoscopes gave astrology a bad name, just like Miss Cleo gave the Tarot a bad name.) When I read in the mainstream news that because of the precession of the equinoxes, our zodiac had changed over time and we needed to add a thirteenth sign, I was suspicious.

Since when was the mainstream so interested in what they probably viewed as a 'pseudoscience?' According to the new zodiac, I'm no longer a Gemini, I'm now a Taurus. Well, this made no sense to me, since Gemini fit me so well. And no, I wasn't being stubborn like Taurus' are said to be. I decided to stick with the 12 sign zodiac I grew up with, and to hell with the precession of the equinoxes.

I also found the symbology of the new sign, Ophiuchus, very odd. The symbology of introducing a sign that meant "serpent bearer" into our zodiac was very telling, in my opinion. Ophiolatreia is a term meaning "serpent worship," of which there is much in many cultures. Take for instance Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent deity of Mesoamerican fame. Why now, a decade into the new millenium, does the mainstream media feel the need to introduce a "serpent bearer" into our western mythology?

The novel I'm writing talks more about serpent mythology, and puts forth a hypothesis as to why there is this sudden revival of a fascination with serpents now at this time in our history. Maybe I'll say more on this later. has posted an excellent article on this matter of a 13 sign zodiac, which is pretty in line with my feelings on the matter from a purely astrological and mathematical standpoint.

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