Saturday, May 28, 2011

John Keel and his Adventures into Unreality -- High Strangeness --

This is an extremely well-written article that is very relevant to the so-called "2012 event," whatever it may be. We could speculate endlessly about what will happen in that year, but for sure, it is bound to be a nexus point for all manners of weirdness and manipulation of physical reality beyond human capabilities as John Keel experienced leading up to the collapse of the Silver Bridge in 1967 in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Throughout recorded history, humans have interacted with a whole host of bizarre entities and phenomena, angels and demons, faeries and goblins, djinns, bardo beings, dragons, giants, and so on. Humans are easily suggestible and programmable through such events. Are we so arrogant with our scientific theories that we can claim a rational explanation for these events that conforms to 'consensus reality?' Of course not. Events like this promote shrugs and head scratching at best, paranoia and insanity at worst. In studying the events surrounding Point Pleasant, Keel must have truly felt like a fictional character who was at the mercy of some deranged writer who was authoring an insanely complex and utterly confusing book. The events described in his book are so ridiculous, so ludicrous, that it suggests that 1967 was the year that was 'picked' to bring the UFO and alien contact phenomenon very strongly into mainstream culture, and at the same time debunk it on account of how unbelievable the story was. This coincided with the the Space Race, and many people seem to have been misdirected in that year as a result of these mass shenanigans. Is it possible that many could be misdirected again in '2012' as so many were in 1967? I say yes, quite possibly, many will be swept up in the fervor of 2012 predictions and prophecies. Just a few thoughts to keep in mind as we approach the infamous year folks.

John Keel and his Adventures into Unreality -- High Strangeness -- ""